Ultrasound guidance for vascular access increases accuracy, reduces complications, and improves success. An ideal ultrasound unit for vascular access and PICC line applications

Reduce complications in needle guided procedures
In a 2014 review article, authors found that ultrasound guidance for CVC placement for the internal jugular vein approach was superior to landmark guidance for higher overall success rate, higher success rate on first attempt, and reduced mechanical complications.

Reduce complications in needle guided procedures
Peripheral intravenous (PIV) access presents lower overall risk of complication but frequently CVCs are placed because IV access was too difficult. Using ultrasound has been shown to be successful in 85% of difficult PIV access cases, reducing the need for the more risky and costly CVC.
Recommended Transducer
Lumify L12-4 broadband linear array transducer
• 12 to 4 MHz extended operating frequency range
• Aperture size: 34mm
• 2D, steerable color Doppler, M-mode, advancedXRES and multivariate harmonic imaging, SonoCT
• High resolution imaging for shallow applications: soft tissue, vascular, superficial, musculoskeletal, and lung
• Center line marker
• USB-C transducer with replaceable cable